You can read the article for yourself here, but in a nutshell the Supreme Court may rule on whether or not the FCC's indecency policy is "unconstitutionally vague". According to some watch groups a ruling like this would open the floodgates for foul language and nudity on network television, no matter what time of the day it is. That remains to be seen, but I am sure that a lack of constraint would eventually lead to a lack of responsibility on the part of the major networks, not that they have any now. It certainly wouldn't happen all at once.
That's the way networks operate. Little by little. Take your favorite TV show - one you have watched for years. I'll use Fox's House as an example. I used to LOVE IT! It was witty, suspenseful, original. I couldn't get enough. Christy and I watched it religiously for several years. Now, I'm not saying it was ever the most wholesome family show, but next to most it wasn't bad.
I will never forget the time I finally convinced my parents and sisters to sit down and watch it with us. We bragged about how great the show was and how it wasn't really that bad. Well that was the episode where it got bad. There were several scenes set in strip clubs, lots of drinking and vulgar language. I was so embarrassed and so disappointed. I felt a sense of loss. Was I ever going to be able to watch my favorite show again?
They pulled back the reigns on the next few episodes. But I noticed a trend; almost a formula. The writers slowly started adding questionable content. Every few weeks it would push the envelope a little further. I also noticed that we were either so hooked on the show or becoming so desensitized that we kept on watching beyond where we should have drawn the line. Eventually we did quit the show.
It isn't just House where I noticed this phenomenon. The Office, Community, American Idol, Glee, 24, NFL Football and The Mentalist are all shows in which I noticed the same trend. I do not believe this is by accident. I believe this is how Hollywood and TV have operated for years and will continue to operate. A ruling against the constitutionality of the FCC's indecency policy will speed things up for sure, but rest assured it's a direction we were heading in already.
By the way - you read right - I included the NFL in that list, and I'm not just talking about wardrobe malfunctions. I'm talking about the clothing or should I say lack of clothing on the cheerleaders that is cause for most men to lust (which is adultery according to Jesus) to the Go Daddy and Victoria Secret commercials they show during their games. The NFL is pushing the envelope any way they can, too.
Makes me think this TV fast may last a little longer than I planned. It may take on a different form than it has now, but it could be here for the long haul.
Until next time what are you watching?
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